Living the Virtuous Life: (Not Just for the Super Religious)

Do Virtues Even Matter Anymore?

“Virtue” is a word we hardly ever hear today. However, when we encounter someone who has good character, in history, or in scripture, we admire them. We want to be like them. Often, we might feel like we can never achieve the sort of excellence that makes them special. But, in truth, we all can. Virtues aren’t just for super-religious or great people, they are for all of us, and we can be as virtuous as they are.

Living the Virtuous Life Teaches You How

In this email series you’ll receive:

-Descriptions of the seven greatest virtues
-Discussion on how each of these virtues works in your own life
-Practical suggestions on how to develop each virtue
-Scripture and historical references so you can read more on your own

And much, much more.

Created by:

Rip Jenkins

Let’s Learn About These Virtues

It’s possible that you already have some of these virtues, but you’ve not given them much thought. Or, you’ve never heard of them at all, and don’t know their significance.

Benjamin Franklin knew all about virtues and was determined to develop a list of thirteen in his life. There were, however, three key virtues that he left off his list! I will teach you all about those three special virtues, as well as four more that’ll help you build your character into one that will shine before God and the world.

I Can’t Wait to Share More With You!